Monday 25 August 2014


nothing to say about this.... not too good though
I just wanted to make a gif about it

Friday 22 August 2014

Sanji x Nami

yeah, well, I was inspired by a couple of things I saw on deviantART (check the description there to see them)
I have two versions of this, but I'm not sure if I want to show both here....

there's a finished version of this one, with shades and everything but I don't know why I don't like it is the sketch with the base colors....

 aaaand here is the one that I like ^^

Thursday 14 August 2014

FINALLY! a background

yeeeeeees, that :D

remember, deviantART is gonna be my main site from now on.... I think

Thursday 7 August 2014


Yep Yep
Guess what I'm watching these days.

It's in deviantART already, here :3

is it too obvious that I didn't want to do the background? >.<

Monday 28 July 2014


I've been having problems uploading things to this blog lately, so I'm moving to deviantART for a while....
I'll come back and keep trying to use this as a main site though.

Thursday 3 July 2014

Mini portraits

I've being doing this tiny portraits lately, it's an easy way to draw everyday, even if I have exams, without losing too much time (they took me like 5 min each so...)
I'm just trying to improve the way I draw faces by coping photographs.
I think you will only be able to recognize one or two of them all. (Those are supposed to be famous people)
Another thing that seems very clear with this is that I am better with boys than with girls (artistically (?))....
Anyway, I'll keep doing this, I really enjoy it.

sorry for the bad quality of the photo, again...

the girls are fucking horrible.... I really need to try harder.

Friday 20 June 2014

Fake eyelashes project (?)

Well, one day I bought a pack of fake eyelashes, hoping that some day I may not be too lazy and I would wear them, but that didn't happen.
So I thought "why not" :3

I have to say that with the green one I used proper watercolours but for the other one, I don't know why... but I used an old marker and some alcohol.... and then I made this with the colored alcohol:

I think it's cute.

Sorry for the bad quality, I can't scan that (eyelashes) and they are already on my wall (I like it a looot) soo....yep, sorry.

bye :3

Monday 26 May 2014

10th & 11th

I was bored so I made this horrible thing.... I'm not proud of it but I wanted to upload something it is:

I was reaaaaaaaaaally bored

and yep....poor photos

Thursday 22 May 2014

My Solo

I did this like....a week ago, but I completly forgot about it it is now.

not good quality tho'

Thursday 1 May 2014

Finals are coming the time to draw everything that comes to my mind has come too

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Something useful

I've been testing some pencils today.... and after a few sketches I've come to a conclusion, the Tombow is my favourite

I bought it in japan, but I guess you'll be able to buy in wherever you live, or use big weapons and buy at any online shop as jackson's.... :3

Those are some of the pencils I've tried and that weird boy I draw with them

Monday 24 March 2014

Frozen obsession (Elsa)

Tumblr & twitter are pretty obsessed with this movie...
And I have to say that the fan arts are amazing (jack and elsa.... :3)
In any case. Fast one:

Creepy one (process)

Yeah...well....about the eyes.... I'm not crazy, ok? I wanted to draw something a bit scary.
And.... I actually like how it looks.

Monday 10 March 2014

Cheshire cat, so I don't lose thread

I haven't done much this weekend but i can show you some work to avoid myself from leaving this blog alone for a long time again

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Fast one.

At university, having an exam in two days, but.... you know... I was inspired at electromagnetism

Sunday 2 March 2014

I should use this more often, I know

It's been a while since the last time I wrote something here....
I have drawing and painting a lot, I mean, a loooooot!! But I can't seem to find the time to upload it.
In any case, here I am, with some bad photos taken with my phone, but it's better than anything, isn't it?

I'll show you more soon enough so you don't completly forget about me, huh.
